Welcome to my ROLLED SCROLL study, where I follow cultural and literary images found in the Bible in an attempt to unearth God's meaning in His pattern of usage.

Deb Elkink


Welcome to my blog, ROLLED SCROLL, where I follow cultural and literary images found in the Bible in an attempt to unearth God’s meaning in His pattern of usage.           WIND  The East wind lifted Mary Poppins and her parrot-headed umbrella aloft for deposit at Seventeen Cherry-Tree Lane, where she stayed until the weathervane changed direction. Wind


  Welcome to my blog, ROLLED SCROLL, where I follow cultural and literary images found in the Bible to unearth God’s meaning in His pattern of usage.              MIRROR   “Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who’s the fairest one of all?” The vain queen preened before her looking-glass, sure of the answer. She was enraged Mirror


Welcome to my blog, ROLLED SCROLL, where I follow cultural and literary images found in the Bible to unearth God’s meaning in His pattern of usage.                 SCROLL A rolled scroll promises proclamation. Can’t you just picture Cinderella peeking at the king’s footman from behind lace curtains, holding her breath as he unfurls his parchment Scroll