Author Archives: deb@rolledscroll
APPLE Have you ever noticed that Snow White (in the forest of the Seven Dwarves) and Eve (in the Garden of Eden) were both undone by an apple? This curious literary fact has long intrigued me: Does the fictional tale inform the Bible story or vice versa? The subject of the […]
“Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world.” (Marilyn Monroe) Cinderella and her glass slippers aside, I think Marilyn had it backwards. She should have said: Give the girl the world and she can conquer the right shoes! My Prince Charming has whisked me off (or sent me on) […]
Book Trailer
BOOK TRAILER This is so fantastic! Watch the new, professional, two-minute book trailer for my novel, THE THIRD GRACE.
Bottling Summer
BOTTLING SUMMER: MAKING WILD BERRY JAM Our years of ranching in the arid Sand Hills of Saskatchewan gave me a deep appreciation for the scant wild fruits of summer—Saskatoon berries for pie, chokecherries for jelly—and taught me how to prepare for the onslaught of winter. It’s a pioneer skill lost to today’s city populace and […]
How to Tame a City-Slicker
HOW TO TAME A CITY-SLICKER I was born for uptown living. True, the view from the maternity ward of the Mennonite village that first heard me squawk showed only flat Canadian prairie—not a mall in sight. But my parents soon moved me and my sibs to the big city, and, by […]
ARTS CONNECTION PODCAST Check out the recent radio show on which I was interviewed by Robert White:
Interview: Canadian Christians Who Write
INTERVIEW Check out an interview by Jayne Self: Part one, “What Makes Deb Elkink Tick?” Part two, “Living with Gusto”:
Crêpe Recipe
* CREPE RECIPE I pepper my novel, The Third Grace, with references to French and Mennonite food. On page 140, I talk about crêpes sizzling on a griddle, drenched in butter, then folded up in a cone of waxed paper. Try my favourite recipe, which feeds a hungry family: * CREPES SIFT TOGETHER: 3 cups […]
Pure Bliss!
PURE BLISS! (Photograph by Moussa Faddoul) * Here I am on June 13, 2012, in Mississauga, Ontario, as newly named recipient of The Grace Irwin Award (sort of “book of the year”), a $5,000 prize sponsored by The Word Guild for the top pick of work submitted to the Canadian Christian Writing Awards. My novel, THE THIRD GRACE, is […]
SHORTLIST The shortlist of competitors for the 2012 Grace Irwin Award *** Deb Elkink: The Third Grace Erin E. M. Hatton: Otherworld Greg Paul: Close Enough to Hear God Breathe Jayne E. Self: Murder at Hum Harbour Ann Voskamp: One Thousand Gifts * *