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Author Archives: deb@rolledscroll

Deb is a writer living in Alberta, Canada, on the banks of Ross Creek near Medicine Hat--less than an hour from the Montana border. Her debut novel, THE THIRD GRACE, won The Word Guild (Canadian Christian Writing Awards) 2012 Grace Irwin Award as top book pick of the year. She is working on her next novel, to the cheering on of her kids and husband. She loves making new friends--write her! deb@rolledscroll.com

I won a 2012 writer’s award!

AWARD   I just won a major writing award!   I’m elated and humbled. My novel, The Third Grace, was chosen as top pick across Canada of books written by Christians and published in 2011. I entered the 2012 Canadian Christian Writing Awards hoping to place first in the “contemporary novel” category  (and did, indeed, receive an award of […]

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