I’ve been a very errant blogger of late because my head has been in the clouds of novel drafting. I’m just at the stage now of cleaning up my manuscript so I can see what I really have, and then I’ll begin edits in earnest before I send it off for the perusal of a select few victims and finally pitch it to the agent of my dreams.
Also, it being summer, I’ve been physically running to and fro; for example, I spent five days in July celebrating my 60th in NYC with my daughters, and tomorrow afternoon I’m going tubing with them down the South Saskatchewan River. (Note the Chinese sunhat I’ll be donning for the event.)
And now another lovely dalliance has arisen, as I’m leading a couple of workshops for the Inscribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship conference in Edmonton on September 26-27–demanding some quality development time. I’ve been a women’s speaker for quite a few years now, with the Stonecroft organization and also more recently for several church retreats. However, this is my debut as a facilitator for writers, and I’m excited to share what I’m learning and stimulate conversation to learn more.
The conference, featuring the joyful and hilarious Phil Callaway as plenary speaker, has as its theme PROCLAIM THE WORD. It’s open for registration, if you’re an interested writer and plan to be in the area this fall.
Meanwhile, I have a manuscript to deal with, so I’m once again begging off from “engaging” further with you through plentiful posts. But drop a note into the comments below and tell me what’s keeping you busy this summer!